Project background


“Integrated approach to social inclusion in the Bulgarian-Greek region through support of employment and development of social entrepreneurship”, with the abbreviation “ACCESS for ALL”, funded under the program of cooperation INTERREG V-A ” Greece-Russia, 2014-2020“


municipality Krumovgrad

municipality Topiros

Project start date: 31.08.2017

End: 29.02.2020 г.

Project budget:

The total cost of the project – 498 584,03 euros

Financing from ERDF- 423 793,43 euros, including Bulgaria-Krumovgrad-257 680.93 euros, Greece-Topiros-166 115,50 euros

National funding-74 787,60 euros, incl. Bulgaria, Krumovgrad-45 473.10 euros, Greece, Topiros-29 314.50 euros

Project description:

The project provides for actions to create a new social enterprise in Krumovgrad – a center for temporary accommodation of people in need, which will provide services to the local community, taking advantage of the exchange of experience with Greece and the creation of 2 offices to support social entrepreneurship – 1 in Krumovgrad, Bulgaria and 1 in Topiros, Greece, which will increase the provision of social services in communities in the cross-border area with poor socio-economic performance, will support the work in the field of social enterprises in cross-border region, the promotion and expansion of social entrepreneurship in the area.

The center for temporary accommodation of people in need, will contribute to improving the quality of life of those in need of home, in need of help to find a home, find a job, get new skills for social entrepreneurship.

This social enterprise will be a suitable alternative for solving the problems of a certain group in community -it will meet specific daily needs, organize free time and provide effective protection and social integration.